Village of Vicksburg In-Person LDFA Meeting, 6:00pm, Monday, May 6, 2024. 126 N Kalamazoo Ave, Vicksburg, MI 49097.

AGENDA Opening Comments – Village Manager Mallery Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Moment of Silence Roll Call Approval of Agenda Request Support for Village Manager & Village President to negotiate development and purchase agreements for the vacant parcel within the South Leja Industrial Park: Parcel #: 14-13-305-020. Process (Explained by Village Attorney Zoerhof LFDA…

Village of Vicksburg Regular Council Meeting Meeting, 7:00pm, Monday, May 6, 2024. 126 N Kalamazoo Ave, Vicksburg, MI 49097.

AGENDA Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Moment of Silence Roll Call Approval of Agenda Village Clerk Swearing in of new Village Council member Chad Kissinger Scheduled Appearances – Drain Commissioner Representative from Spicer Engineering: Update on progress of Sunset Lake Dam and possible options within project. No Council Action Required. Public Official Appearances -Tim…

Village of Vicksburg Regular Council Meeting, 7:00pm, Monday, April 29, 2024. 126 N Kalamazoo Ave, Vicksburg, MI 49097.

AGENDA Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Moment of Silence Roll Call Approval of Agenda Scheduled Appearances – Public Official Appearances -None Scheduled Citizen’s Comments for agenda items only (3 min limit) President Tim Frisbie Comments Approval of General Consent Agenda Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting: April 15th, 2024 7:00 PM Warrant Reports: Total…

Village of Vicksburg Work Session, 6:00pm Monday, April 29, 2024. 126 N Kalamazoo Ave, Vicksburg, MI 49097.

AGENDA Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Moment of Silence Roll Call Approval of Agenda Scheduled Appearances – Julia Turnbull, MEDC – Senior Community Planner, MEDC Presentation: Introduction To Redevelopment Ready Communities Public Official Appearances -None Scheduled Citizen’s Comments for agenda and non-agenda items only (3 min limit) President Tim Frisbie Comments Village Staff Presentation:…

Village of Vicksburg Council Meeting, Monday, 7:00pm, April 15, 2024. 126 N Kalamazoo Ave, Vicksburg, MI 49097.

Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Moment of Silence Roll Call Approval of Agenda Scheduled Appearances – Jane Gosh, Discover Kalamazoo Presentation on Vicksburg visitors 2023 and more! Public Official Appearances -None Scheduled Citizen’s Comments for agenda items only (3 min limit) President Tim Frisbie Comments Approval of General Consent Agenda Minutes of the Regular…