Have you ever wondered how many miles of sewer and water pipes are underground in Vicksburg? How many police officers work here, or what goes into the economic development of our core downtown? Maybe you have even asked yourself, “what do my tax dollars pay for”? Learn all that and more during the Village of Vicksburg’s first annual Citizen’s Academy!
The Citizen’s Academy is a free series of classes designed to teach citizens how their local government works. The academy will focus on various functions of Village government and will include tours of Village facilities, including the Police Department, Department of Public Works, inside the Water Tower, Angels Crossing Golf Course, and more.
During the sessions, participants learn about the responsibilities of Village departments and the services they provide to the community. Presentations and ‘behind-the-scenes’ facility tours give participants a better understanding of the role local government plays in the quality of life that residents of Vicksburg enjoy. Each session will be held in a Village facility, giving citizens a true sense of what it’s like to work in local government.
The Citizen’s Academy will run April 17th through May 22nd. Meetings will take place each Wednesday evening, starting promptly at 6:30 PM, and can last up to 2 hours. We will meet in our new municipal building located at 126 N. Kalamazoo (Entrance off Richardson St.)
Program Information:
Session #1: Welcome, Brief History of Vicksburg, Local Government – the Basics!
- Tim Frisbie, Villiage President: Welcome
- Trustee Gail Reisterer: Council Rep
- Leah Richard, Vicksburg Historical Society: History
- Jim Mallery, Village Manager: Gov Basics, Staff Introductions
Session #2: Revenue, Expenses, Taxes, Utility Bills, Plans (Master), Plans (ODA), and more plans (Parks and Rec)!
- Tim Frisbie, Village President
- Trustee Ryan Wagner, Council Rep
- Jim Mallery, Village Manager: Gov’t Plans
- Michelle Morgan, Director of Finance: Where’s the $!
Session #3: Planning Commission, DOA, Parks and Recreation, and WOW Service!
- Tim Frisbie, Village President
- Trustee Wendy Pheils, Council Rep
- Matt Shankel, Planning Commission Chair
- Jim Mallery, Village Manager
Session #4: Policing & Department of Public Works
- Tim Frisbie, Village President
- Trustee Rick Holmes,Council Rep
- Jim Mallery, Village Manager
- Scott Sanderson, Asst. Village Mgr./Police Chief
- Jimmy Meyers, Director of DPW
Session #5: Village, County, State – how we all fit together.
- Tim Frisbie, Village President
- Carl Keller, President Pro Temp, Council Rep
- State Senator Sean Mccann
- State Rep Matt Hall
- County Commissioner Wendy Mazer
- Jim Mallery, Village Manager
Session #6: Process of Decisions, Economic Development, and what the future looks like.
- Tim Frisbie, Village President
- Trustee Denny Olson
- Jim Mallery, Village Manager
- Christian Wines, Village Clerk