Village of Vicksburg Village Council Regular Session 7 p.m. 10/19/2020. Electronic Meeting via Zoom in accordance with new legislation SB-1108

AGENDA   Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Moment of Silence Roll Call Approval of Agenda Scheduled Appearances – None Scheduled Public Official Appearances – None Scheduled Citizen’s Comments for agenda and non-agenda items (3 min limit) Approval of General Consent Agenda Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting: October 5, 2020 Warrant Reports: Total $…

Village of Vicksburg Vicksburg Planning Commission Regular Meeting 7:00 pm, Monday, October 12, 2020 Electronic Meeting via Zoom In Accordance with Governor’s Executive Order

AGENDA I. Call to order II. Attendance III. Approval of Minutes a. Sept , 2020 Meeting IV. Downtown Development Authority – Mallery/Lee a. John Debault – Proposed new language to the façade grant policy. b. John Debault – Review 2 Façade Loan Request i. Vickers ii. Hide A Way c. Jim Mallery – New Parking…

Construction on 22nd Street is Underway

Some preliminary construction work on 22nd Street began this morning. A lane to the Madison Heights neighborhood is open from V Avenue. Residents should go to the left of the road closed sign north to Christian Avenue. Please watch our Facebook page and our website for updates. We appreciate your patience through this important construction…