I. Call to order
II. Attendance
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. Citizen Comments – Citizens must state their full name and home address per Village Council rules. Time limited to 4 minutes.
V. Approval of Minutes
a. Regular Meeting April 22
VI. Parks and Recreation Discussion Items:
a. New member – Jessica Eyster
b. New Chairperson discussion
c. Movies in the Park: Kids Movie Dates:
i. June 21, Lego Movie
ii. July 12, Christmas in July – Need to pick a movie.
iii. August 2, Sing
iv. August 16, grown up date night movie, downtown – need to pick a movie.
d. Vicksburg Schools: Student member on committee – one more push via social media, village communications, etc. before school is out.
e. 24/25 FY Budget: Needs, Wants, wishes – priorities.
1. Budget Exercise
VII. Member Comments
VIII. Adjournment