1. Opening Comments – Village Manager Mallery
2. Call to Order
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Moment of Silence
5. Roll Call
6. Approval of Agenda
7. Citizen’s Comments (3 min limit)
8. Move into closed-session: Staff recommends a motion, support and 2/3 majority approval to move into closed session to discuss and consider purchase and development agreements involving the sale of village owned real estate.
a. Village Attorney will review the proposed purchase and develop agreement that has been negotiated with the developer to purchase the last available undeveloped parcel within Leja Park.
9. Motion, support and majority vote to return to regular scheduled open meeting.
10. Staff is recommending a motion, support and majority approval to have the LDFA Boards support and recommendation for the Village Council to approve the village manager to signing the proposed purchase and development agreements.
11. President Tim Frisbie and Board Member Comments
12. Next Meeting: TBD
13. Adjournment