Vicksburg Village Council June 1st Meeting

Vicksburg Village Council will hold its regular meeting, June 1st, at 7:00 PM, via Zoom. Click HERE for agenda and Zoom login information. Topic: Village of Vicksburg Council Meeting Time: Jun 1, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 899 5276 8378 Password: 538434 One tap mobile +13017158592,,89952768378#,,1#,538434#…

Brownfield Meeting June 1st

Brownfield Redevelopment Authority with hold a meeting June 1st, at 6:30pm, on Zoom. Click HERE for the agenda and Zoom login information.   BROWNFIELD REDEVELOPMENT MEETING AT 6:30 PM MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2020. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 816 4240 7334 Password: 400437 One tap mobile +13017158592,,81642407334#,,1#,400437# US (Germantown) +13126266799,,81642407334#,,1#,400437# US (Chicago) Dial by…

Council chambers

Village Begins Live Streaming

The Village of Vicksburg and the Vicksburg Village Council have shared a vision of more inclusive and transparent village government. January 20th, 2020, we streamed our first Village Council meeting live. There was a sizable audience in the room and on average the audience watching on the web matched those present. That means statistically on…