- Call to order
- Attendance
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes
- Regular Meeting November 13th, 2023
- Citizen Comments on agenda items: Time limited to 3 minutes
- Summary Presentation on The Homestead at Centennial:
- Jim Mallery, Village Manager, Opening comments and introduction of Kyle Mucha and Catherine Kaufman.
- Kyle Mucha, McKenna summary on Special Land Use and Sketch Plan application. The Planning Commission is being asked to consider only the Special Land Use and sketch plan. If these items are approved, there will be a final detailed site plan approval process.
- Motion, support and roll-call vote to enter into the Public Hearing for the Special Use Approval.
- Public Hearing: Special Land Use Approval: Green Venture Development is requesting a special land use to develop a Planned Residential Development commonly referred to as The Homestead at Centennial.
- Citizen Comments Specific to hearing: Citizens must state their full name and home address per Village Council rules. Time limited to 3 minutes.
- Motion, support, and roll-call to end the Public Hearing.
- Planning Commission Action Items:
- The Homestead at Centennial: Consider the request of Green Venture Development for preliminary sketch plan and special land use approval.
- Village Manager presentation of staff recommendation
- PC Board Members opportunity to ask questions of Village Manager, Village Attorney, and/or McKenna representative.
- Motion, support, board member comments, and roll-call vote.
- The Homestead at Centennial: Consider the request of Green Venture Development for preliminary sketch plan and special land use approval.
- Planning Commission Action Items (Cont.):
- Biggby Coffee: Consider the request for site plan approval for the address of 215 E. Prairie St. regarding the development of a retail coffee shop.
- Village Manager presentation of staff recommendation
- PC Board Members opportunity to ask questions of Village Manager, Village Attorney, and/or McKenna representative.
- Motion, Support, board members comments, and roll-call vote.
- Biggby Coffee: Consider the request for site plan approval for the address of 215 E. Prairie St. regarding the development of a retail coffee shop.
- Modify the Schedule of Regulation pertaining to the industrial Zoning Districts. Text Amendments
- Consider the request of Village staff to modify the Schedule of Regulations pertaining to the Industrial Zoning Districts.
- Staff summary presentation: Jim Mallery and Kyle Mucha
- Public Hearing: Consider the request of Village staff to modify the Schedule of Regulations pertaining to the Industrial Zoning Districts. Motion, Support and roll-call vote to enter the Public Hearing.
- Citizen Comments Specific to hearing: Citizens must state their full name and home address per Village Council rules. Time limited to 3 minutes.
- Motion, Support, and roll-call to end the Public Hearing.
- Planning Commission Action Item:
- Village Staff request to modify the Schedule of Regulations pertaining to the Industrial Zoning Districts. This action item will be a RECOMMENDATION to the Village Council for final approval.
- PC Board Members opportunity to ask questions of Village Manager, Village Attorney, and/or McKenna representative.
- Motion, Support, discussion, and roll-call to recommend Village Council approval of Staff request.
- Downtown Development Authority –
- Christmas in the BURG event Review.
- Discussion: Grant Program – Jim Mallery
- Grant recommendation will be presented January 8, 2024.
- Village Manager Report
- Municipal Building Update
- Member Comments
- Adjournment