- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Moment of Silence
- Roll Call
- Approval of Agenda
- Scheduled Appearances – Jared Belka, Warner, Norcross PLC agenda item 10. a.
- Public Official Appearances – None Scheduled
- Citizen’s Comments – Agenda AND Non-Agenda (Citizens MUST state their full name and home address and limit their comments to 4 Minutes)
- Approval of General Consent Agenda
- Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting: November 22, 2021
Viewed at:
- Warrant Reports: Total $ 1,837,02811 ($1.5M was internal transfer of tax revenue)
- Event / Rental Requests: Fredrick Private Party in Back Shop at 120 E. Prairie/Ally
- Correspondence: None
- Village Council Action Items
- Resolution 12062021-01 Establishing Commercial Rehabilitation District Parcel ID: 39-14-13-432-030 & 39-14-13-432-050 (101 & 103 E. Prairie St.).
- Presentation Introduction: Mallery
- Staff Presentation: Jared Belka – Partner Warner Norcross + Judd LLP
- Council Members Questions for Staff
- Council Member Comments
Staff Recommends: Approval of establishing a Commercial Rehabilitation District for the 2 parcels via approving Village of Vicksburg proposed resolution 12062021-01.
COUNCIL ACTION: Motion to approve proposed resolution 12062021-01 and support of the motion. Council Roll Call Vote.
- Purchase Agreement to transfer of the real property commonly known as part of 514 N. Spruce Street (PPN: 15-18-152-004 & 15-18-100-017) in the amount of $77,000.00.
- Staff Presentation: Mallery
Staff Recommendation: Motion to approve the Village Manager finalizing the purchase of said property in the amount of $77,000.00.
COUNCIL ACTION: Motion to approve Village Manager finalizing the purchase of said property via payment, survey, title, etc; trustee support, council comments, roll call vote.
- Notice to Proceed. Approval of Village Manager providing Fredrick Construction, Inc with a Notice to Proceed on Project 2210525, entitled Oswalt Park Improvements. Oswalt Park improvement will be completed for an amount not to exceed $225,000.00 with an additional contingency of up to $25,000.00 to address unforeseeable and unavoidable circumstances as they arise.
- Staff Presentation: Mallery
Staff Recommendation: Approve the Village Manager to sign the proposed notice of intent and delivery to Fredrick Construction, Inc.
COUNCIL ACTION: Motion to approve the Village Manager to sign and deliver the proposed letter of intent to Fredrick Construction, Inc on project 2210525, entitled Oswalt Park Improvements in an amount not to exceed $225,000.00 with an additional contingency of up to $25,000.00 to address unforeseeable and unavoidable circumstances as they arise.
- Re-Opening Village of Vicksburg Social District on Friday, December 10th. 2021 at 4:00 pm.
- Staff Presentation: Lee
Staff Recommendation: Approve the re-opening of the Vicksburg Social District on Friday, December 10th, 2021 at 4:00 pm.
COUNCIL ACTION: Motion to approve the Village Manager to re-open the social district on December 10th, 2021 at 4:00 pm.
- Zoning Board Appeals: 111 S. Michigan Ave. Assistance of an access ramp to enter and exit the property, specifically waiving the requirement for a variance and associated fee. (See Village Attorney Horne’s Memo).
- Staff Presentation: Mallery
Staff Recommendation: Approve waiving the variance and associated fee based on the legal opinion of Andrew Horne at the request of the Village Manager.
COUNICL ACTION: Motion to approve waiving the fee and variance for construction of access ramp at 11 S. Michigan. Support, ZBA member Comments, Roll Call Vote.
- Village Manager Report (Mallery)
- Update on Infrastructure Project – Main St. one-way and Washington St opening, Lighting for Christmas in Village Parade, Sidewalk Sealing, Street Lights, Traffice Lights.
- Angels Crossing Golf Presentation on December 20, 2021
- SKCFA Proposed Budget Recommendation December 20, 2021.
- Committee Reports
- SKCFA – Olson
- SKCSA – Keller
- Tree – Reisterer
- KATS – Olson
- Village Trustee’s Time
- Village President’s Time
- Adjournment
Village Rules of Order require citizens addressing the Council to state their name and address.