1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Moment of Silence
4. Roll Call
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Scheduled Appearances –
7. Public Official Appearances -None Scheduled
8. Citizen’s Comments for agenda items only (3 min limit)
9. President Tim Frisbie Comments
10. Approval of General Consent Agenda
a. Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting: August 19th, 2024
b. Warrant Reports: Total $ 510,559.88
c. Event Requests –
i. Distant Whistle Anniversary: Octoberfest 2024 Sept. 28, 2024 Parking Lot Space behind brewery for events: Same Plan as prior years.
ii. Aubris Celebration of Life HV Pavilion September 21, 2024
iii. Blake Taylor Graduation: June 14, 2025 HV Pavilion
d. Correspondence –None
11. Zoning Board of Appeals: Variance Request 120 Mill Street.
a. Motion and Support needed to enter Zoning Board of Appeals:
b. Kyle Mucha, Zoning Administrator. Presenting for Staff. See Attached Memo
c. Citizen Comments
d. Staff is recommending a motion, support, and approval of this variance request.
e. Motion, Support and roll-call vote to return to Village Council meeting.
12. Village Council Action Items:
a. Zoning Text Amendments: Kyle Mucha Presentation
b. Sunset Lake Kayak Rental Agreement:
i. Staff is recommending a motion, support and approval for the Village Manager to enter into a contract with Rent.fun,LLC that will provide a Kayak Rental Station at Sunset Lake Park that will include Four (4) sit-on-top kayaks and/or stand-up paddleboards, with associated paddles and lifejackets. This is a 5-year agreement with an activation fee of $20,000.00. Rental Revenue will be split 50%-50% between the Village and Rent.fun, LLC.
c. Fire Department Audit
i. Option for the Village Council include:
1. Approve the audit as is.
2. Approve the Audit with conditions
3. Not Approve the audit with stated improvements
ii. The South Kalamazoo County Fire Authority audit has historically listed (in part) under the heading, Significant Audit Findings, the following:
“…we considered the South Kalamazoo County Fire Authority’s internal control over financial reporting (internal control) to determine the audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances for the purposes of expressing our opinions on the financial statements, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Authority’s internal control. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the Authority’s internal control”.
Staff recommendation #1: The SKCFA should engage in the service of Siegfried Crandall providing a detailed recommendation report on the internal control practices that SKCFA currently utilizes, as well as industry best-practices of internal control that should be developed and followed.
The report lists the following “……that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the Authority’s financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis.” The report continues, “…deficiency in the South Kalamazoo County Fire Authority’s internal control to be a material weakness.”
The material weakness is “Audit adjustments and financial preparation”.
The SKCFA Board’s (Management) Response is: “Management had made an ongoing evaluation of the respective costs and benefits of obtaining internal or external resources, specifically for the preparation of financial statements, and has determined that the additional benefit derived from implementing such a system would not outweigh the costs incurred to do so…”
Presentation Comments:
Village Manager
SKCFA Member Keller
Village President Frisbie
13. Village Manager Report (Mallery)
a. Infrastructure project starting September 16, 2024 on Wilson St.
b. South fence will be completed by mid-November
c. Prairie St entryway landscaping by industrial park will begin by mid October
d. Public Open House Monday, October 21st, 2024 from 4:00 Pm – 6:45 PM.
e. Christmas in the Village December 14, 2024.
14. Committees
a. Tree
b. Parks and Rec
d. Planning Commission
e. SKCSA – Sewer
f. SKCFA – Fire
15. Citizen’s Comments for non-agenda items only (3 min limit)
16. Village Trustee’s Time
17. Village President’s Time
18. Adjournment
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