- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Moment of Silence
- Roll Call
- Approval of Agenda
- Scheduled Appearances –
- Drew Johnson South County Community Services Update
- Public Official Appearances – None Scheduled
- Citizen’s Comments – Agenda Items Only (Citizens MUST state their full name and home address and limit their comments to 3 Minutes)
- Approval of General Consent Agenda
- Minutes of the Regular Scheduled Council Meeting March 21, 2022
- Warrant Reports: Total $ 641,354.11
- Event / Rental Requests –
- 09/25/2022 Recreational Area: St. Vincent Depaul
- 09/17/2022 HV Pavilion Vicksburg Band Boosters Glow Run
- 05/14/2022 HV Pavilion, Gazebo, Full Grounds The Bradley Jacob Dow Foundation. Event Mental Health Awareness Day: Food Truck and Bouncy House for Kids
- 05/09/2022 HV Pavilion: Vicksburg Strings Performance
- 2022 Season Only Pavilion: Vicksburg Vintage Market: (5.15, 5.30, 6.19, 7.17, 8.21, 9.5, 9.18.22). Moving of picnic tables responsibility of individual or group reserving Pavilion.
- Correspondence – Denny Olson FOIA and Communication
- Village Council Action Items –
- EIMO PA 198 – Jared Belka will attend meeting Via Zoom
- Commercial Rehab District 101-103 Prairie St. – Jared Belka attending via Zoom
- PUD – Andrew Horn will attend meeting via Zoom
- Oswalt Park Furniture and Entrance Sign: Approved unanimously by DDA Board April 11th. Total to approve is $19,334.00. A total of $17,500.00 has been assigned to Oswalt Park makeover the past 2 fiscal years. It was approved in June 2021 by the DDA and Council for the project. The cost of the 3 tables-Chair combo sets and entrance sign totaled $19,334.00 The staff recommendation is to add $1,834.00 from the 2021-2022 revenue. The DDA board approved. Staff recommends Council approval of same.
- DDA 3rd Quarter Amendments – Staff recommends approval.
- Grant Application Kalamazoo County – Safe Drinking Water Lead Water lines
- Grant Application Kalamazoo County – Housing Energy Efficient Improvements for historically underrepresented members of our population
- Village Manager Report (Mallery)
- Construction Project Updates
- Watermain – complete. 14 Homes Lead-Free
- Storm – Complete week of April 25, 2022.
- Section will be completed in September 2022 will not impact new road or functionality of system. (Section of external Lift-Station piping on back-order.
- Downtown road stripping by May 23rd.
- Downtown tables estimated delivery May 9, 2022.
- Cigarette Butt Huts arrived will be installed downtown by My 20, 2022
- DPW Barn – Oil Separator and drain installed 4/25/22, Cement floor May 2nd-9th. Bay doors by May 20, 2022. Completion by May 31, 2022
- Oswalt Park –
- Committee Reports
- Planning Commission / DDA
- South Kalamazoo County Fire Authority
- South County Sewer Authority
- Tree Committee
- Parks and Recreation
- Citizen’s Comments – Non-Agenda Items Only (Citizens MUST state their full name and home address and limit their comments to 3 Minutes)
- Village Trustee’s Time
- Village President’s Time
- Adjournment
Hybrid Meeting Announcement
The Village of Vicksburg Village Council meeting will be in-person and have remote access. Members of the public can attend the meeting in person. However, we encourage virtual participation to limit potential COVID exposure in the meeting room. If you desire to speak to the Village Council, please log onto the Zoom Webinar (Information on next page). Citizens may view Village of Vicksburg Governmental meetings live at:
Instructions on how to “Raise Hand” in zoom during citizen comment times:
If the participant wishes to raise their hand while in a meeting on a phone, they must dial *9 on their phone’s dial pad. To lower their hand, the participant must once again dial *9 in the phone’s dial pad.
Instructions on how to unmute / mute during citizen comment times:
If the participant wishes to unmute while in a meeting on a phone, they must dial *6 on their phone’s dial pad. To mute, the participant must once again dial *6 in the phone’s dial pad.
When: Apr 18, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Village Vicksburg Council Meeting
Passcode: 574992
Or One tap mobile: US: +19292056099,,85196925958#, *574992# or +13017158592, 85196925958#, *574992#
Or Telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 929 205 6099 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799
Webinar ID: 851 9692 5958
Passcode: 574992
International numbers available:
The following link details the instructions as well:
Village Rules of Order require citizens addressing the Council to state their name and address.